Providing Teachers for Children in Need:
Hope for the Dulce helps to provide primary school teachers for villages in need of teachers.
In Guatemala, a free primary education is a constitutional right – and the government is supposed to provide a free primary education to all children. Reality is often different, however.
Due to discrimination, violence, and government corruption, many indigenous villages, especially remote villages, often lack the services of sufficient – or any – primary school teachers.
Without teachers there is no school. Village children are unable to learn basic skills, such as Spanish, math, and reading. As a result, they are left behind to lead a life of poverty and isolation.
By providing primary teachers where they are needed, we help to secure a brighter future for village children.
Hope for the Rio Dulce currently provides teachers and schooling for nearly 400 students in 6 villages. That is nearly 400 children that would not be going to school without our support. But many more still need help. Consider making a donation to help more kids dreams come true:
Imagine trying to navigate life without an education – without even a basic elementary education. It would be impossible. Imagine your kids in a similar situation – you would do anything in your power to get them an education.
Now, think about the injustice these Guatemalan kids face, and help us do something about it.

Above: Mayan Q’eqchi schoolchildren in school at the village of Cerro Blanco – where there are 120 students, but only 2 teachers provided by the government.
Below, a current teacher, Arnoldo, discusses his work and his experiences as a teacher this past year:
Arnoldo was a previous Hope for the Rio Dulce scholarship recipient. He graduated High School with good grades and is now working hard as a village elementary school teacher. He wants his fellow villagers to improve their level of education. (In Guatemala, you are eligible to become an elementary teacher with a High School diploma)
Support from individual donors, makes the education of these kids possible.
The kids from the village of Cerro Blanco say “Thank You”